Our Story
Hi I'm Jillian.
I'm the founder of Dots and Dribble Batik.
We source fun and affordable batik clothes from Indonesia, just for kids! All our products are hand-stamped and made in small-batches. Best of all, the cool designs are made only for little adventurers.
I wake up excited every day, knowing I'm building something I love while sharing my passion with my family. Running my own business means I can fuse my creative drive with the joy of raising kids, weaving our Indonesian heritage into family life.
But it wasn’t always this way.
I spent over a decade living in New York, Hong Kong and Singapore working as a graphic designer for luxury and lifestyle brands. I loved my job but after years of pitches and midnight calls, I burnt out. Once I had my kids, I decided to become a stay at home parent and be a present. I traded meetings and coffees, with playdates and poop. But, being around kids 24/7 meant that gentle parenting was a myth. Doom-scrolling social media and parenting books overload led me to second guess my worth as a parent. The chaos drove me crazy and I had no creative outlet.
I was losing myself. And my kids were losing their cultural identity living away from their home country. That’s when I decided to start my own business.
One day, I found myself searching for a batik shirt my son could wear to a school event. I wanted a vibrant batik shirt that would stand out. Initially, I thought I’d have to wrestle him into it. But then he wore it to school. And to playdates. And to tennis. And to sleep. He loved his batik so much he refused to take it off. “That’s so cute!” everyone would say. “Where did you buy it?”
So I launched a batik shop with no background in business or retail. I chipped away at it between school pick ups and nap times. Then I dragged my kids to batik shops every time we went home for the holidays. At first sales were slow, but the more I talked to customers, asked about what they wanted, the more the demand grew.
And now, I’m proud to stand by my brand. At Dots and Dribble Batik, we believe each batik is unique and imperfect, just like our kids. And just like our parenting journey. Our brand isn’t just about picture-perfect moments, but about capturing the messy, beautiful stories that unfold within families. Connecting to our heritage is just the plus.
For more updates on our batik drops, stories behind the craft, and our debut at Boutique Fair Singapore, please subscribe to our newsletter below!